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Predicting the nature and scope of future conflicts and security challenges is extremely difficult. 但有一件事是肯定的, 保护人民, 完整性, security and economy of a nation you must always be in control and aware of what is going on – in the air, 在地上, 在海上. 在这里,你可以阅读更多关于星际网赌导航如何提供这样的意识!

在当今日益复杂和快速变化的世界, 威胁是对称的, 不对称, 不断发展的, 不断适应,越来越难以察觉. Demands on the systems and strategies that nations rely on to drive 意识 and safeguard people and society are extremely high. 要想领先于这些威胁,你需要具备探测能力, identify and track a wider variety of objects over an extended range and in all domains – air, 海上和陆地.


这就是全球之眼,星际网赌导航的空中预警系统 & 控制(AEW&C)系统解决方案,提供. 混合了现代主动和被动传感器的多域解决方案, 远程探测和探测和跟踪空中物体的能力, 在海上和陆地上.

As the most modern and advanced airborne early warning and control solution available on the market today, 它保证了一个国家的空气质量, 海上和地面部队可以从真实和联合的画面中受益匪浅, 使它们能够以最小的磨损维持操作. This in turn means less guesswork and that decisions can be made based on fast and accurate information.


传统上, a nation’s operational airborne surveillance and identification capacity would require multiple aircraft, each of which is responsible for contributing its piece of the puzzle to a command centre and a higher overall picture. Creating a common situational picture and adequate decision support in hostile and contested environments, 从观察到行动的时间越来越短, 要求更多的. 传统的解决方案是不够的.

在应对现代威胁和当今快速持续的变化时, 高度适应性强, 能力广泛的解决方案,如“全球眼”预警系统&C -是创造所需的态势感知的必要条件. “全球眼”能够胜任这项任务, 不仅仅是通过支持国防和安全, but also thanks to its ability to complement and enhance traditional static legacy surveillance solutions.


那么是什么让环球眼如此伟大呢? 简而言之, 远程, swing-role surveillance capability with a robust multi-role ability within a single solution. The aircraft has a fully integrated sensor suite that includes the Erieye ER AESA surveillance radar, 电光(EO)传感器, 一个EO/IR炮塔和一个下机身海事雷达.

这种多样性的传感器可以检测到, 同时识别和跟踪大量对象, 包括隐形空中和海上目标, 从水上摩托艇、硬壳充气艇(rhib)到潜艇潜望镜,应有尽有. 简而言之,就是创造一幅真实情景所需要的一切.


GlobalEye AEW提供的功能&C aircraft are particularly valuable for forces likely to be counteracted by challenges from a larger adversary. 在这种情况下, 环球眼将创造, 维护并持续更新空气, 海上和地面态势图片,并与友军分享. This means that sensors and assets can share information and situational pictures effectively and rapidly, 甚至可以对来自其他资产的目标数据进行操作. 如果需要,“全球眼”还可以充当这些部队的指挥中心.


今天, 但也许更重要的是, 在未来, national and global security challenges require 意识 based on access to and provision of timely and accurate information to national authorities in order to maintain peace and stability. 全球之眼是唯一的预警系统&C的解决方案,目前市场上可以提供这样的远程空气, 通过单一平台进行海上和陆地实时监视. This means it can effectively support government and military forces with real time information – whether in times of peace, 危机还是战争.


与同步空气, 海上和地面监视, 以及在空中和执行任务时动态转换角色的能力, GlobalEye provides a unique surveillance capability that makes situational 意识 a powerful and vital strategic asset. 不仅在战时,在和平时期也是如此.


Whether the goal is to ensure national or international territorial 完整性 and security, 进入一套机载传感器是关键. 把“全球眼”加入工具箱, the effectiveness of other resources can be enhanced and a nation’s ability to maintain the strategic and tactical upper hand over air, 海洋和陆地将得到极大的改善. 这样,“全球之眼”提供的意识可以使整个国家受益.


作为宝贵的国家资产,特殊任务飞机,如“环球眼”预警机&C need to be able to defend their 完整性 and security in today’s shifting threat environments. 因此, GlobalEye is also equipped with a cutting-edge passive sensors suite based upon our newest generation of common core multi-domain EW systems. 它包括, 例如, ultra-wide band digital receivers as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) for robust signal processing and analysis.


As new threats evolve and increase the levels of risk by exposing national security concerns and operations to additional pressure, GlobalEye will also evolve and deliver the situational 意识 and preparedness required for safeguarding people, 完整性, 从更长远的角度考虑国家的安全和经济.